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The Teletronix LA-2A features a unique tube-driven electro-optical attenuator system (the famed T4), which allows instantaneous gain reduction and no increase in harmonic distortion. This exacting reissue by Universal Audio heralds the return of the Teletronix LA-2A. UA Teletronix LA-2A详细介绍 . Teletronix LA-2A诞生的初期就因为其自然的压缩(在增益瞬间衰减的情况下不会产生谐波失真)Universal Audio宣布 Teletronix LA-2A又复活了。该放大器采用原创的光电衰减系统,为了确保产品的高质量,每一个细小的环节UA都力求给您带来录音 The Teletronix LA-2A is a tube-amplified optical compressor, famous for providing smooth, balanced and warm compression. The LA-2A is one of the most favorable compressors for vocal applications as it creates even dynamics without producing unwanted audio bi-products and has a wide array of applications including bass guitar and certain drum applications. TELETRONIX LA-2A (Vintage) TELETRONIX. ¥0 JPY ¥0 JPY UREI Reissue version The Teletronix LA-2A Leveling Amplifier rivals only the Universal Audio 1176 as. The LA-2A is the go-to compressor for professional mixers around the world. Teletronix compressor plugin teletronix compressor teletronix compressor download teletronix compressor ebay teletronix compressor price teletronix compressor vst la2a teletronix compressor.

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这种光学的电平衰减器被称为T4,正是这种T4让LA-2A具有了温和的、随着输入信号源而不断变化的光学压缩特性,直到今天还一直被全世界的 专业音频 工程师们所崇敬。 三代Teletronix电平压限放大器写照:从上到下分别是LA-2A灰色版、LA-2A银色版和原始版本的LA-2。 Teletronix LA-2A by Universal Audio Thank you for purchasing this reproduction of the Teletronix LA-2A. The LA-2A was originally produced in the early 1960s by Teletronix, which was later acquired by Babcock Electronics Corporation. My father purchased the product rights and the name UAD Teletronix LA-2A Silver. The new releases of the LA-2A and 1176 from UAD are truly in another league as far as in-the-box compression is concerned. With these models, you don’t get an over-compressed feel from the software. It retains the compressor characteristics but also retains the feel and depth of the original vocal.

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The LA-2A Leveling Amplifier is an audio compressor invented by James F. Lawrence II, founder of the Teletronix Engineering Company in Pasadena, California in the early 1960s. Teletronix was sold to Babcock Electronics of Costa Mesa, California in 1965. El Teletronix LA2A es uno de los compresores ópticos más famoso del mercado, más utilizado en la industria y más modulado en plugin digital por muchas marcas 04/05/2020 The Teletronix LA-2A Leveling Amplifier rivals only the Universal Audio 1176 as one of the most revered compressors ever created. With its gentle, program dependent optical compression and meticulously designed tube amplifier, the LA-2A is the go-to compressor for professional mixers around the world — especially for vocals.

The Teletronix LA-2A Leveling Amplifier rivals only the Universal Audio 1176 as one of the most revered compressors ever created. Apr 14, 2019 Free plugin versions are rare, so this is a sweet find: the AdHd Leveling Tool, a free download (or, more specifically, donationware) from the cool cats at AdHd. Three generations of Teletronix Leveling Amplifiers: LA-2A Gray, LA-2A Silver, and original LA-2. In the early 1950s, Jim Lawrence, a young University of Southern California-degreed electrical engineer, was quietly asked to join Cal Tech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Teletronix LA-2A Leveling Amplifier false false. We're sorry-this item is unavailable. Contact our experts for a recommendation of great alternatives. Call us at 800-449-9128. The Teletronix LA-2A features a unique tube-driven electro-optical attenuator system (the famed T4), which allows instantaneous gain reduction and no increase in harmonic distortion. This exacting reissue by Universal Audio heralds the return of the Teletronix LA-2A. UAD Teletronix LA-2A Silver. The new releases of the LA-2A and 1176 from UAD are truly in another league as far as in-the-box compression is concerned. With these models, you don’t get an over-compressed feel from the software. It retains the compressor characteristics but also retains the feel and depth of the original vocal.

UA Teletronix LA-2A详细介绍 . Teletronix LA-2A诞生的初期就因为其自然的压缩(在增益瞬间衰减的情况下不会产生谐波失真)Universal Audio宣布 Teletronix LA-2A又复活了。该放大器采用原创的光电衰减系统,为了确保产品的高质量,每一个细小的环节UA都力求给您带来录音 The Teletronix LA-2A is a tube-amplified optical compressor, famous for providing smooth, balanced and warm compression. The LA-2A is one of the most favorable compressors for vocal applications as it creates even dynamics without producing unwanted audio bi-products and has a wide array of applications including bass guitar and certain drum applications. 野生技术协会超简单学会动态压缩人声插件LA-2A Tube-TechLA-76分享教程压缩 器直播调音VST 野生技术协会音频【插件/效果器】一览UAD Teletronix LA-2A 压缩效果器 协议汇总 活动中心 活动专题页 侵权申诉 帮助中心 用户反馈论坛 壁纸站广告合作 名人堂 MCN管理中心 高级弹幕 企业号官网 · 下载APP 免费看 高清视频. 2019年5月3日 前言很讽刺的是:由T4光电系统驱动的Teletronix LA-2A电平压限放大器——几乎 是最难被从你脑中抹去的压缩器音色,同时也是最易操作的。

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